Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Anthrax Tainted Heroin?

Just herd that we now have a lethal batch of Heroin floating around the streets, that has been tainted with Anthrax.  What is next?

It does make you wonder though, is this really a part of the terror campaign as the powers that be would like us to think or is it rather an accident at the point of manufacture?

Lets face it most of our smack comes from Afghanistan or neighboring areas, we are told all the time that terror funding comes from the sale of illegal drugs to westerners, is it such a giant leap to think that this is just an accident, that the same lab was used to make Anthrax as was used to make Heroin without proper procedures, these are after-all back yard drugs people.  I find it hard to believe that any dealer, supplier or manufacturer wants their clientel to die.

But there we have it, they are, 8 so far.  Counting...

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