Wednesday, January 1, 2003

The worst kind of decision

You see my forgiveness was surplus to requirements...  She had followed her heart, which may well have been true.  Where did that leave me?

Choices; move out, or stay around and sit by whilst she dated this low life ex-con mongrel fucker.  What choices are they?  I could not move immediately had I wanted to, by the same token I needed to be around to prevent this fool from having anything to do with the kids.

So I stay, after what seemed like weeks of being able to hear them 'do it' through the paper thin walls, I had gone mad, the choice had become leave or be charged with Murder.  So I left, a weak shell of a man unable to fend off predators, no wonder my fate was sealed in such fashion.

I want to make it perfectly clear I assign no blame to the Woman concerned regarding my habbit, it was my choice to fill a void not hers, she may have provided the void - I filled it.

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